Winegrowing Family
We are a family which has built a way of life around Los Nadies Bodega-Almacén. The series of processes between the initial planting and the wine tasting stage, are a way of forging and passing on our values and legacy to future generations. The lifestyle resulting from these series of processes, gives us freedom. To be in touch with Nature and people makes us feel alive, and at the same time makes us better beings.

Our Philosophy
We have built a way of life for it to grow and endure over years. In order to face the ever-going changes and challenges we come across, one must be: Discreet; precious energy is wasted by the constant attempt to stand out. By keeping a low profile, we are genuinely appreciated by those who cross our path. Austere; we are able to reach happiness with less, austerity gives happiness. Innovative; we are allowed to adapt to an ever-changing environment through constant innovation. Creative; creating means living, to get out of the habit, to leave a mark. Professional; this can only be achieved when applying the highest degree of concentration and knowledge, if it is done just as a hobby, mistakes are ignored and we miss out on learning, we miss out on life. Free; without freedom there is only sadness and subsequently death. Interdependent; learning from our social and natural surroundings, and shaping it. Dauntless; by giving it all, we learn from our experiences and make them flesh. Simple; simplicity is the secret of life and we get to live it only by risking it all.

Los Nadies Bodega Almacén reason of being
The vineyard, the winery and the general store are the tools to make, the above mentioned, a reality. Thus, the diverse products derived from grapes must ensure longevity, high-risk, understanding and a great complexity achieved with minimal intervention. The winery relies, not only on academic understanding, but also on knowledge orally passed from generation to generation. We look forward to creating a legacy from our experiences.
The name “Los Nadies'' (The no ones) derives from us being no one and, at the same time, being one with those who surround us. The category “Almacén” (general store) is the result of our affection and attachment, is a comeback to authenticity, to trust and respect for one another, to simplicity. A comeback to a way of life.

Galician Roots
The origins of our family's activity in the wine sector begins in the village of Gatomorto, at the edge of the river Verducido, belonging to the Santa Maria de Xeve parish, in the Pontevedra Municipality. Stone structures, such as the Fens Mill, the stone bridge, a set of a spring and a sheltered sink, hórreo and family homes bear the witness to our ancestral roots. In the cobblestone house, where Manuel Filgueira Lorenzo was born decades ago, the stone wine press is still used to this day to produce wine.

Uruguayan Roots
In Uruguay, our roots date back to the Berobide family, who at the beginning of the 20th century had a grocery store located in Cerro de Montevideo as a main source of income. And as a secondary activity, a traditional farm where grapes were grown and wine was produced on a human scale. In the 1920's the Berobide family moved to Cuchilla Verde, current location of the Los Nadies Bodega Almacen vineyards.

After the marriage of Manuel Filgueira and Juana Berobide, the family winery became a commercial winery, which following the Uruguayan winegrowing timeline, started selling bulk wine and distributing demijohns and, subsequently, bottled wine.

Absolute Quality
In 1992, Manuel passed away, and the company was left to his only son, the cardiac surgeon, Jose Luis. His wife, Martha Chiossoni took over the administration of the family business, investing in a restructure of the vineyards and the machinery scheme conversion for the winery. That is when the company took on a new name, Casa Filgueira. In 2001, it became the first winery in America to get the ISO 9001 certification in all areas. A few years later it achieved the ISO 14001:2004 certification one more time.
The quest for maximum quality comes with Jean Pascal Lacaze and his mentor, Patrick Valette (former Chateau Pavie). At the end of 2002, Jean Pascal extricated himself from the company due to a business proposal in Chile. At that time, Manuel (named after his grandfather), son of Luis and Martha, agronomy engineer , takes over the vineyard and the winery. Fostered by Patrick Valette, Manuel takes on a series of chores at a winery in St Emilion along with Pascal Ribereau-Gayon (pioneer of modern vitiviniculture) at the Chateau Berliquet and Medoc wineries, led by Michel Rolland. Patrick Valette becomes partner with Pascal Marty (Mouton Rothchild, Opus One, Almaviva, Cousiño Macul, Viñas Marty). Over the years, this association would dissolve and Pascal Marty would stay on as the family business consultant.
It is down this path that Manuel and Gabriela first met, and a year later they got married. The fruit of this marriage was the birth of Santiago and Felipe in 2006 and 2008 respectively. They quickly began to integrate themselves to the dynamics of the family winery. Their cradles were made from used oak barrels.
In January 2011, the family winery was sold. But 93 year-old Juana Berobide gave her vineyard to her grandson Manuel and his family, in order to carry on with the family wine-making tradition.
Manuel Filgueira (Grandson), continues his paternal grandparents' legacy, with the vineyards his grandfather Manuel had given him upon his birth, and the one given to him as a gift by his grandmother Juanita.

Los Nadies: Tempestuous Beginnings
With the selling of the family company in January, and amid growing tensions this situation had left, the 2011 harvest was practically sold entirely to a third party. The best grapes were left unharvested: Tannat in espalier and high density Merlot.
Santiago's health issues grew in complexity towards the passing of time, eventually they traveled to Boston, at the end of February, in search of medical attention. Upon their return, Manuel tasted the Tannat and Merlot grapes: they were incredible. They asked their friends for help with the harvest. Twenty of them said they would be there on Sunday morning.
On Sunday, March 13th 2011, three days after returning from Boston, a day after Japan was struck by a tsunami, food was prepared to cater for twenty people. Sixty friends showed up at the end, and helped with the harvest of what would become Equilibrio 2011.
It was an odd ensemble: Gabriela's and Manuel's coworkers, classmates, neighbors, karate and lifelong friends. A neighbor lent his tractor, Hector Stagnari and his wife lent the cases and their winery for wine-making purposes, a reefer was hired to cool and transport grapes. Everything was borrowed.
In June, with Santiago fully recovered and Felipe in his final stages of chemotherapy, the name of Los Nadies Bodega Almacen was born. The brand name was the first investment. From the beginning the name caused a stir, but caught on due to the notion that nobody really knew the owners, neither the Tannat wine or Uruguay as a wine producing country. People liked the chance of being nobody and everyone at the same time, fusing with everything surrounding us, starting out as no one, “The Void” a concept taken from Miyamoto Musashi´s masterpiece, the E book of the Five Rings.
In November, a few wine bottles were filled up to celebrate Gabriela's birthday and the end of Felipe's treatment; a resurgence from the ashes. Adriano Meneguetti lent his bottling machine and a group of friends, Gustavo, Oscar, Ramiro, his girlfriend Lucía, Diego and Daniel, helped to bottle Equilibrio 2011.
A recently bottled Equilibrio, was featured in the 2011 in the “Tannat al mundo” contest: a leap of faith, as the wine lacked years on the rack. As the ceremony came to an end, the final award was announced; Gold Medal for Equilibrio. At that moment the surprise was such, that Manuel thought someone had borrowed his name.
That is how 2011 came to an end, with the birth of a life of independence.

First Steps
The 2012 harvest was disastrous, and 14000 kilos of grapes destined to Equilibrio were lost to Botrytis. Los Nadies´ harvest total results were 750 kg.
With the pressure of continuing, the old tractor shed was cleared out in order to set up a place to welcome tourists and with the money collected from visitors, finance the 2013 harvest.
In December 2013, the worst drought in history hit, and the grapes were left colorless. The harvest resulted in a high quality rosé wine which was sold by bulk and allowed debts to be settled.
In 2013, the possibility of offering consultancy to two French-financed companies came up. Each wanted to set up a winery and start producing wine simultaneously, in record time. It was agreed to produce Los Nadies wine in both wineries as part of payment. The full time commitment to this project held the development of the family winery sales back.
At this point Equilibrio 2015 was produced.
Throughout all this, Juana Berobide, Manuel's grandmother, was an unconditional supporter of Los Nadies' development.

In June 2016, after an unfortunate experience with one of the companies, the consultancy was left aside and Manuel devoted himself entirely to the family business.
Sales went up the following month which allowed the company to remain afloat. In October, 2016, Los Nadies' godmother, Grandma Juanita or “Chichita” as she was often called, passed away
In 2017, a short amount of wine was produced in Casa Filgueira, which was later exported to Japan.
The family inherits Juanitas’ house located in the neighborhood “Prado”. That is when the Filgueira Garmendia family moves there, and with them a very elementary winery is built. And once again, going back to the beginnings, they bring along with them the manual press, as well as a tank, a couple of barrels and lastly a grinder lended to them by Adriano Meneguetti.
In 2018, drought and lack of irrigation conspired against success. Nevertheless, a raisins liquor and a small quantity of Equilibrio 2018 were still produced. In 2019 excessive rains affected the grape production, resulting in a loss of 140% between 2018 and 2019, which is the equivalent amount of a normal harvest. With the help and support of the Traversa family, an investment was made in the vineyard, and at the same time, supported by Roses, Los Nadies put together a small urban winery. This is how in 2020, with a wine production capacity of 11.000 liters, an excellent harvest was seized.

Currently, we are planning to invest, on the one hand, in the urban winery in order to strengthen the bonds with Los Nadies customers, and on the other hand, in vineyard irrigation to avoid losses due to drought. We are also working to keep our ties with Japan and its culture.
In 2020, the harvest was made on the same day that the COVID 19 virus was first detected in Uruguay, Friday 13th, March, same date as the 2011 harvest! The suspension of presence-based modality classes at schools throughout the country, allowed us to make wine as a family, enjoying the opportunity of passing our knowledge to our future generations.
By improving our Prado venue in Montevideo, a better welcome for those who are looking to share a glass of wine, have a chat, and visit our urban winery, will become a reality.